Thursday, April 15, 2010

A home to go back

It's been a month since I left Davis, so it's also been a month that A and I live together as a married couple.

I am actually writing this in Davis now because I came back yesterday for school stuff. I had a great time with friends as always, they are probably what I miss most about Davis. I don't really care about what we do, where we eat, but as long as people get together, there is always laughters. People asked me, "how's life in the bay?" I said, " life is ok, i don't have many friends so my life is kinda quiet especially now I am trying to finish my dissertation." Then they asked, "how's it going with A?" I replied, " we are generally very happy, but we argue more these days. There's always something about this person that you don't know until you live together."

So I started to think of what I said, do we really argue more? Yeah, we disagree with each other over certain personal habits, manners, ideas etc. since we grew up in different backgrounds. But are they really arguments? Or we are communicating in our own ways? For example, I have to confess that I love using "silence treatment" while A always wants to talk about it. When we were in long distance, we communicated with each other on the phone, which made it harder for me to use my silence treatment because it's just weird to have silence on the phone and also we just wanted to cherish the time we talked so we rarely argued on the phone. Now that we live together, A pinpointed to me that I like to use my silence treatment, which I am not very aware of. I guess it's good that he told me about it and that we talked it out. And I really appreciate that A always encourages me to talk about my true feelings instead of hiding them and piling them up.

Another big adjustment living with someone is dividing house chores. Overall I think A and I have been doing a great job (the reason being he's doing much more than I do, haha) So far I am in charge of getting grocery, cooking and sometimes folding clothes while A takes care of dishes, laundry, trash, and overall cleaning. Though I get tired of cooking everyday, but I have to say that I really enjoy cooking for A. He always appreciates and enjoys everything I cook. Everything looks so yummy when A is eating! Every time he finishes dinner, I always feel a sense of achievement.

Having been here in the US for 7 years, this is the first time I feel "home" and the first time I feel that I always have a home to go back. So now I am gonna finish this post and drive back home where my beloved one is.


  1. sO good to hear about your joys with A. hehee

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
